Nov 122021

Let her learn good manner changing her panties before getting punished.

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Nov 072021

When your girl off guard and become lazy, it’s the best time to give her a good spanking. You need to watch her carefully such occasion when she throwing your clothes around or having snacks on the bed with her skirt disgracefully turned up just like inviting a spanking.

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Nov 052021

Severe spanking waited for the minor girl coming home from college drinking. Some classmates are already legally of age and started to touch alcohol and Yuu couln’t say no to their temptation. As soon as her mother noticed her drunk, she dragged her to the wall and swiftly lifted up the fashionable dress to remind her that she was not yet reached their majority with severe spanking.

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Nov 032021

“Good morning, Miss Asagi. May I have today’s discipline?” The morning meeting with the beautiful but cruel boss contained affirmation of her mistakes of the previous day and a corporal punishment called “Teaching” over and over again. The young secretary lifted up her very tight skirt before her boss to expose her bottom in the company-provided black thong for the paddling again.

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Nov 012021

She waited for opportunity to spank the prettiest girl in the class

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Oct 302021

I passed up friends’ invitation and go home feeling seriously depressed because mot came home, I had to go to my room to change panties into new one and bring my paddle to the living room where mother waiting for me to give a good panking…

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